Open for Charity

Sunday 5th June 2016 3 – 7pm


The garden will be open again this year as a part of the National Garden Scheme, raising money for several different charities.

As well as raising money for good causes, being a part of the NGS scheme helps to motivate us to keep developing the garden.  A number of changes will be evident if you haven’t visited for a while.  As the trees on the site mature, we’re always looking for new sunny spots to plant up.  We’ve pinched an edge of the badminton lawn for a new border, which is growing well.  I’m particularly happy with the Chilean Guava (Ugni mloinae) hedge!

We’ve carried on thinning some of the conifers (original nursery stock) and enjoying the increase in light levels.  We’ve landscaped and planted up the bank above the vegetable garden (nobody is going to miss the bracken and brambles we replaced!).

We’ve put a lot of work into the vegetable garden this winter and it’s paying off.  A mixture of ornamental and productive growing, it both looks good and is starting to supply the café with the freshest possible produce…


If you haven’t visited for a while or are new to Potager, do come along on Sunday afternoon and take a stroll around.


We open again on 6th February 2025 Book now for the café